Welcome to the Season 3 Premier of “The Modern Man!” If this Is your first time joining us, I encourage you to see how far we’ve come and check out Season 1 and Season 2.

If you’re all caught up or here because of the title, then it’s a pleasure to have you. This episode goes deep!

As so many of us start relationships and commit to marriage, none of us jump in expecting things to one day come to an end. However, the reality is that it does happen and can be extremely hard to go through. Especially if you don’t have a support system, community, or friend to help guide you through it.

Divorce is one of those things many people don’t like to talk about. It’s almost as though the shame or taboo we place around it prevents the healing from happening. Even though it’s needed now, more than ever.

If you’ve been divorced, currently going through one, or might be considering one, I hope this episode can provide some insight and wisdom.

This isn’t just an episode for people experiencing divorce, though. At the end of the day, we’re talking about relationships and our understanding and knowledge around them can impact their quality and value.

In this episode we not only unpack the healthy and helpful techniques of navigating divorce, we also examine the anatomy of relationships and how we can evaluate them to make sure we truly want to commit or stay committed to the person that we’re with.

Join us as Ryan Alford sits in as a guest panelists and Charles Russ joins George Cowart and I to discuss navigating divorce and relationships.

If you’re currently going through a rough patch in your life, I encourage you to reach out to a friend, family, one of these men, or myself.

We want to thank to Comradery Co-Work for hosting us for this one. This episode would not be possible without the talented eye of Elias Jose Falero of Falero Studios and the continued commitment of Andrej Suttles of Suttlesolution Media.

Fellas, please enjoy the Premier of Season 3 of The Modern Man!
