In this episode of The Modern Man, I’m joined by Chris Marhefka, an entrepreneur, coach, and retreat facilitator on a mission to lead men to greater clarity, confidence, and courage. Tune in as Chris and I get honest and vulnerable about the real dangers of working too hard, the power of conscious choice, and how to create an epic life through intentional action. 

Chris describes how a stress-induced brain injury that put him on the bench for 7 months was a blessing in disguise that would transform his life forever. He talks about how to find a balance between action and rest (& why that’s so important for men) as well as how conscious decision-making is the ultimate secret to living the life you want.

“Even though I had successful businesses because I was working so hard, it was at the expense of everything else… I had to learn how to make other things important in my life while not also dropping the goals that I had.” – Chris Marhefka

Remember, don’t wait for the pain to make a change. Lean into conscious decision-making so you can show up as a better man and create that epic life you’ve always dreamed of. We know you can.


Key Takeaways / What You’ll Learn:

[01:12] About Chris Marhefka.

[02:48] Work Ethic, Burnout, & Boundaries: The benefits and dangers of having a strong work ethic.

[07:53] From 100 to 0: How burnout led to the darkest time in Chris’s life.

[13:19] What really happens when you get comfortable in a sedentary lifestyle.

[19:44] As men, how can we gain the ability to adapt quicklyand switch between action and rest when necessary?

[27:46] The power of conscious choice + The 4 pillars of intentional living.

[31:59] The key to creating the life you want.

[38:16] How to connect with Chris Marhefka & Attend a retreat.

[41:11] As a man, what has shaped your view of the world?


“What creates an epic lifetime is that you’re consciously choosing as many moments as you’re aware of to fully be in. That’s the greatest gift we can give ourselves.” – Chris Marhefka


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Resources Mentioned:

Join The Noble Knights:

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:

The Archer by Paulo Coelho:


Connect with Chris Marhefka:

Visit his website:

Follow him on Instagram: chrismarhefka

Stay tuned for Chris’s upcoming book, The Fulfillment Blueprint!


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