“I believe that the reason why we’re facing such a mental health crisis, even before the pandemic, is because we’ve severed the connection to something greater than just this human experience.”
Sam Kabert
In this episode of The Modern Man, I welcome Sam Kabert, a serial entrepreneur turned spiritual seeker who’s helping others embark on their path of self-discovery. Sam is an Integration Coach, author, speaker, podcaster, and Creator of SOUL/Life Balance, the practice of putting yourself first, prioritizing your mental health, showing up for your life, and working with more energy. Essentially, it’s about creating a soul/life balance instead of a work/life balance.
When you reach a certain level of success, you start to seek something more, something greater. You might even start to feel sad, lost, or depressed. Do you resonate? Many times, we chase success and when we reach it, we thought we’d feel better or different in some way… but we often don’t. The good news is, you don’t have to feel that way forever.
You have a powerful opportunity in front of you, one that requires you to go deeper within yourself to find out what you truly want out of life – what makes your soul happy. Will you take it? That’s up to you.
If you’re a workaholic or you feel unfulfilled in your career and you want to figure out what lights your soul on fire, you’re going to gain a lot from this conversation with Sam!
Key Takeaways / What You’ll Learn:
[01:03] About Sam Kabert’s journey into spirituality and SOUL/Life Balance.
[04:57] If you have success and you’re still unsatisfied, what’s missing?
[09:00] The importance of unlearning societal conditioning and social programming that hinders us from feeling fulfilled.
[14:39] How to prioritize yourself and your soul’s needs.
[21:37] Hesitant to dive into your spirituality? Listen in as Sam shares how he started his spiritual journey after a numbing depression.
[30:15] What is a soul contract and how can we use them to make sense of our life?
[32:50] How to feed your soul and be spiritual without losing touch with your humanness.
[41:05] How to connect with Sam.
[42:02] As a man, what has shaped your view of the world?
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Resources Mentioned:
SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings by Sam Kabert (and other books): https://samkabert.com/books
What the Health documentary: https://www.whatthehealthfilm.com
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss: https://amzn.to/3KN0TtL
Blog Post on Thought Tracing: https://samkabert.com/thought-tracing-a-powerful-tactic-for-improved-mental-health
Connect with Sam:
Visit his website: https://samkabert.com
Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samkabert
Follow him on Twitter: Twitter: https://twitter.com/soul_seekr_
Connect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kabert
Listen to the Soul Seekr podcast: https://samkabert.com/podcast
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