It’s something we all have to deal with… Challenges. One way or another, the world is going to turn up the difficulty and make us work or sweat a little.
Sometimes life makes you sweat a lot. There’s really no telling when things will suddenly take a turn for the worst. When they do, it’s important for men to have the tools and resources to make it through.
Ben Harris knows a thing or two about challenges. Running a weekly challenge series that constantly pushes people past their comfort zone requires a certain immunity to discomfort.
When it comes to challenges, Tyler Harris, Tim Pecoraro, Ben Harris, and I agree. You need to seek out the challenges in life before they find you.
Whether it’s skipping the snooze button. Taking cold showers. Running a 50K. Or maybe it’s taking your business to the next level. Challenges are all around us. When we actively seek them out, we put ourselves in a state of elevated difficulty.
Manageable challenges serve us by conditioning the mind and body to withstand more pressure and ultimately handle more stress. Just like you gain muscle in the gym through working out, you gain resilience through constant exposure to pressure.
Sit with us as we discuss the tactics men can use to elevate their lives and increase the difficulty of their surroundings. Find out how, by doing so, you can better take on the challenges that life throws your way.
Sit with The Modern Man as we discuss, Challenges. Comment below to leave any feedback or thoughts. If you want to keep the conversation going, be sure to subscribe to our Modern Man Facebook Group. It’s the perfect resource for community, advice, networking, and growth.
Enjoy this episode of “The Modern Man”