“Minutes matter, make the most of them.”

Scott White

In this episode of The Modern Man, I welcome Scott White, author of The Life is Too Short Guy: Strategies to Make Every Day the Best Day Ever. Tune in as Scott and I talk about the small, practical changes you can make every day to improve your quality of life and boost your happiness. If beating the mentality of “don’t talk to me before I have my coffee” intrigues you, get ready to take notes!


First, Scott shares the impactful story that made him realize life is too short to not shift your habits in ways that make each day a great day. You’ll learn the 10 principles from his book along with how you can start implementing them in your daily life to feel happier. Scott also touches on why you should pursue passion before purpose, what a happier life actually looks like, and how your genetics play a role in your happiness (plus what to do when the odds are against you).


Key Takeaways / What You’ll Learn:

[00:57] About Scott White.

[02:30] Do you really believe you can make every day the best day ever?

[03:45] The evolution behind Scott being “the happiest guy you’ll ever meet”.

[06:36] Scott’s strategies for making every day the best day ever.

[11:54] 10 principles of the Life is Too Short philosophy.

[26:10] How entrepreneurs can apply the 10 principles.

[29:37] How would you approach a room full of pessimists?

[32:06] What does a happier life look like?

[34:03] How to connect with Scott.

[34:55] As a man, what has shaped your view of the world?


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Resources Mentioned:

Join The Noble Knights: https://themodernman.gumroad.com/l/NobleKnights 

The Life is Too Short Guy: Strategies to Make Every Day the Best Day Ever by Scott White: https://www.lifeistooshortguy.com/book 


Connect with Scott White:

Visit his website: www.lifeistooshortguy.com 

Follow him on Instagram: Instagram: @scott.e.white 

Follow him on Twitter: ScottEWhite2 

Connect with him on LinkedIn: scott white

Connect with him on Facebook: @scottewhite 


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