“Life grows to the extent that you do.”

Ian Lobas

Join me in this episode of The Modern Man as I welcome Ian Lobas, a Personal Performance & Evolvement Coach and Founder of Men on Purpose, a movement created to elevate, educate, celebrate, and empower men to be on purpose. As a coaching pioneer, Ian is helping people to be more intentional and live more purposefully by helping them get awareness and clarity. His mantra is “illuminate and eliminate”. He helps clients get rid of their ways of thinking and doing that no longer serve them.


Ian had been chasing money for a long time, thinking it justified his value to the world, yet he was misaligned and in constant resistance the entire time. He wasn’t the most authentic person he could be. Once he learned how to own his evolution and correct his course, he started building a coaching business to support men in living an aligned, authentic, and fulfilling life.


It’s time to step out of your own way, face your problems head on, and own your future. How do you do that? Tune in to find out.


Key Takeaways / What You’ll Learn:

[01:04] About Ian Lobas & The Men on Purpose Movement.

[04:03] The powerful moment Ian realized something needed to change.

[07:28] To get to the future you want, you need to step out of your own way.

[09:00] What’s the crutch keeping you from facing your problems?

[12:32] How to become an irreplaceable man and lean into your “blank canvas”.

[16:04] The #1 thing men need to do to start living an authentic, fulfilled life.

[18:11] The power of taking yourself on a non-negotiable pursuit of personal interests.

[23:06] How to overcome isolation and find community outside of your relationship/marriage.

[29:58] How to connect with Ian & Join The Men on Purpose Movement.

[32:16] What’s something that has happened in your life that shaped the way you view the world as a man?


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Resources Mentioned:

Listen to The Men on Purpose Podcast: https://menonpurpose.net/podcast

Join their Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/themenonpurposecommunity 


Connect with Ian:

Learn more about Ian: https://menonpurpose.net/about 

Visit his website: https://menonpurpose.net 

Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ian.lobas 

Subscribe to his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLRr94kEsddMBWz9fArFP2w 


Connect with The Modern Man:

Visit our website: https://themodernmanshow.com 

Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/244885633101820 

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheModernMan8 

Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_modernman_show 

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnyA3-wtyv7xVqUbPyB0eOg 


About The Modern Man:

“The Modern Man” is a series focused on discussing the challenges and obstacles men face in today’s society. It is an open forum of discussion where thoughts, strategies and ideas of men living a happy and fulfilled life are explored.


The Modern Man aims to create a community of men not only sharing and connecting on a deeper level, but also exploring how to thrive and tap into their limitless potential. This is done through intentional conversations strategically aimed at issues that men face in today’s society.