“Compassion is a place of understanding without judgment. And in compassion, we can create change.” -Jonathan McLernon


When it comes to weight loss, self-love, and holistic health, the connection between the three is more apparent than ever. Popular culture has made it clear that the first two are synonymous with the third, but the truth is much more complicated than that. 

Many people follow diet trends and weight loss tips without taking the time to understand deeper why they do them in the first place. Their goal is to follow a standard taught to them by society. But that standard is often motivated by self-loathing and being unhappy with the person they are inside out. 

Our guest this week, Nutrition and Fitness Coach, Jonathan McLernon explains that there’s a lot more to a healthy lifestyle than just what goes into our body. It’s not just about calories and macronutrient ratios— it’s about self-love. 

Join us as we attach a deeper meaning to self-love and reframe what we already know about self-care. Coach Jon and I also talk about how healthy food choices may even be faster than fast food, how weight is not a problem but a symptom, why brain-driven weight loss is more effective, how health is affected by many other factors besides food, and how we can lose not only weight but our old, self-sabotaging self.   


Connect The Modern Man:



  • 02:49 Ending the Endless Restlessness
  • 09:07 The Link Between Emotion and Food
  • 14:06 The Spark of Transformation
  • 17:35 The Brain-Driven Weight Loss
  • 22:14 Faster Than Fast Foods
  • 26:33 Health Beyond the Food Factor
  • 30:03 There’s a Journey to Be Had
  • 36:15 Recap



If you were to make a list of the things you love and value, how far down the list would you find your name? Join @TheModernMan8 and Nutrition and Fitness Coach @FNjonmclernon as they share tips and action steps to help us lose weight and never find it again! #TheModernMan #podcast #menpotential #entrepreneurship #coaching #emotionaleating #bingeeating #stress #nutrition #weightloss #compassion #selfcare #selflove #healthylifestyle



02:16 “80% of the people working a full-time job don’t feel emotionally connected to what they do. They do it for the check. But, there’s so much more to life than that.” -Ted Phaeton

03:46 “Finding purpose is more like a journey of discovery. There’s a lot of digging.” -Jonathan McLernon

12:18 “Compassion is a place of understanding without judgment. And in compassion, we can create change.” -Jonathan McLernon

13:50 “We hold on to that identity so much. We subconsciously want to change it but we’re holding on to it with all our might that we don’t want to transition.” -Ted Phaeton

15:04 “A well-timed question can be life-changing.” -Jonathan McLernon

17:47 “This is where we make a mistake: We wait until we’re so miserably uncomfortable that we can’t tolerate it anymore. Then, we look for extreme methods to try and make it go away as quickly as possible… But in truth, we’re not changing who we are, we’re not changing our identity.” -Jonathan McLernon

18:38 “Weight loss is the proxy goal; nutrition is the cover story.” -Jonathan McLernon

21:16 “If information was the problem, Google would have solved it. But we hold on to these excuses, we hold on to these false beliefs.” -Ted Phaeton   

27:37 “Our knowledge can’t save us when we’re triggered emotionally.” -Jonathan McLernon

29:39 “We might have periods of brokenness but that doesn’t make us broken people. It’s not an identity to hold on to. There is a journey to be had.” -Ted Phaeton

31:35 “The only way we move through emotions is to process them.” -Jonathan McLernon

33:02 “The best way to demonstrate you can help someone is to actually help them.” -Jonathan McLernon

 36:11 “I’ve never met a remarkable person who had an easy life.” -Jonathan McLernon

36:30 “When we get to a point where we realize ‘this isn’t it’, that’s the point in which we want to start changing things.” -Ted Phaeton

37:16 “In order to be strong, you must first be weak.” -Ted Phaeton

38:22 “Mourn the loss of who you used to be and enjoy the abundance of who you are becoming.” -Ted Phaeton   


Meet Jonathan

Jon McLernon a.k.a. Coach Jon is a Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certified Master Coach. With a background in chemistry and psychology, Coach Jon has a passion for supplement science, nutrition science, and behavioral psychology.

When he’s not helping his clients crush their nutrition goals, he’s usually trying to wrangle a busy toddler (and get him to eat more veggies!), or he and his Aussie wife are off on another globetrotting adventure!

Ted Phaeton
Author: Ted Phaeton

“The Modern Man” is a series focused on discussing the challenges and obstacles men face in today’s society. It is an open forum of discussion where thoughts, strategies and ideas of men living a happy and fulfilled life are explored. The Modern Man aims to create a community of men not only sharing and connecting on a deeper level, but also exploring how to thrive and live a happy and fulfilled life. This is done through intentional conversations strategically aimed at issues that men face in today’s society.