Standards are everything…
They’re your bottom line, your values and the things you set your intentions on. The level at which you keep your standards is the level at which you will enjoy life… Period.
If you settle or accept anything less than mediocre, guess what you get? A life that’s less than mediocre. However, if you were able to raise your standards well above mediocre, what type of life would you hope to enjoy?
Imagine living life on the highest level… The good news here is that your standards are not stagnant. They may be able to fall, but oh can they rise!
In this episode of The Modern Man, Tim Pecoraro sits down with the panel and discusses standards. What they are, where yours may be and how you can raise them and live your best life.
You’ll want to watch this one twice as Tyler Harris, Charles Russ and myself share our thoughts alongside Tim on raising one’s standards. As always, be sure to comment below with your thoughts and ideas.
If you found this episode brought you value, please share. Every little bit helps.
Enjoy this Episode of “The Modern Man.”